Sunday, February 21, 2016

Week 5: Famous Last Words

This week we started to read The Mahabharata and I thought it was more confusing than The Ramayana. This might be because at the beginning of every story learning all of the characters is difficult and in this story there were a lot of new name. It is also difficult because some of the names sound so similar that I get them mixed up which makes the story line confusing. One thing that helps with this problem is to write down all the characters names and relations in the reading diary as I go through it. My favorite character in The Mahabharata so far is the Pandavas brothers. They have been through a lot together but they are still upbeat about life.

This week in school has been a little hectic because I had two tests which were stressful. I have only gotten one grade back so far but I did well on that one so that makes me feel better. I also had work all of Wednesday which took away a lot of my study time. I have one test next week but I think it will be okay because I have more time to study for it. Other than that next week does not look to difficult so maybe I will have some time to work ahead in this class. Still looking forward to Spring Break so I can go to San Francisco!

Once I was done with my tests the weekend was really good. I went golfing with my boyfriend on Saturday and even though I do not golf it was fun to be there because the weather was so beautiful that day. I went to see the movie How to Be Single on Saturday night and it was pretty funny although it wasn’t my favorite movie.

1 comment:

  1. Sara, this post caught my eye because I love to golf and post much about it in my blog. I agree the weather this past weekend was just beautiful and was best spent outside. It is cool that you're going to San Francisco for spring break. That is a very different type of place than most people's spring break plans. Thanks for posting.
