Thursday, February 4, 2016

Week 4 Reading Diary: Sita Sings the Blues

I decided to watch the video on YouTube for week 4 reading because it seems interesting and kind of a change of pace which I like every once and awhile. I am hoping that watching this film will be a good way for me to have a better understanding of the Ramayana story. This video can be found on YouTube.

A screenshot of Rama and Sita
Sita Sings the Blues
  • ·         It is a little hard to follow and I am thankful for the footnotes at the bottom
  • ·         It is really funny and random
  • ·         The story is told by three shadow figures, the narrators of the story
  • ·         The way the cartoon is drawn changes frequently throughout the story.

  • ·         There is also a background story that I don’t understand. It is a couple with a cat moving to India for a job
  • ·         This story is mainly told from sita's point of view
  • ·         The story line seems to follow the one of last week's version.
  • ·         It's getting funnier as it goes on. It's actually making me laugh a lot
  • ·         Sita is captures again
  • ·         I feel like the monkey god came in earlier in this version then the other or maybe the demons where just fought quicker
  • ·         The three characters that are narrating the story are nice because it makes the story more relatable and I can understand it better with more modern language
  • ·         Ravana is defeated very easily
  • ·         Rama is not happy to see Sita because she has lived in another man's house and he is skeptical of her loyalty
  • ·         Part A ends with Rama forgiving Sita for whatever he thinks she has done

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